
Monday, December 21, 2015

Books That Made Me

This article is in response to the prompt by BlogChatter.

I have read or atleast seen the cartoons on the books which my mother would excitedly buy for me. Fairytale book on Cinderella still remains my favorite. Apart from that I have always treasured the nursery rhymes books and another comic book which my parents bought for me during my kindergarten years.

I have always loved reading, may be because of the books, or may be it is in my genes. My parents read a lot. But the books(not book) that really made me are Enid Blyton’s Famous Five followed by Hardy Boys.

I have mentioned about the Enid Blyton’s books earlier in one of my posts this month. You can read it by clicking → THIS.  I started reading them when I was in third or fourth grade.
The post whose link I shared in previous sentence will tell you exactly how I feel about those books. In fact I do not need to write more on this topic since it was written on Day 3 Of Self Challenge for this month.

Nevertheless, Famous Five taught me to be a kid who started loving adventure. Being the tom boy that I was, I started recognising myself with George. Their attire, food and the adventure inspired me and I became a cool girl, All thanks to Enid Blyton for changing the life of kids. It taught me to imagine the life that they lived.