
Monday, April 18, 2016

Ode To Pappa

#ATOZ Challenge Theme: Finding Myself - Living My Life

Dreams and goal for me is not just the career that I seek. I spent my past few years for studying and pursuing the career that I wished. Passion is what I am seeking now; a lifelong dream which will make me free.

Read what an Ode means.

I have made an effort at writing an Ode, or a poem for my dad which I have always wanted to for this challenge. It doesn’t actually conform with the precise definition of an Ode. However, I have presented it here for you to read.

This is my attempt at writing poem after more than a decade.

Eons ago we discussed my rendezvous with my dreams
I worked hard and you did too,
To make them flow like a stream.

With your support I could conquer the world, I thought
I worked and you did too,
And thus with my fears I fought.

Time came and you left the world
I had to bear that too,
And with that I lay solitary with my dreams curled.

Your absence was a big void, where I was heading
I had no clue,
What would happen now, I thought and kept dreading.

You didn’t stop reminding me about my goals, aimless I was though
But with silent tears the time flew,
Giving least regard to my dream, I let the seasons on their own flow.

But dreams never die, I have heard people say
And you proved it too,
With constant reminders coming in my dreams night and day.

Now that I have realised my goal
Hard and late it may seem though,
I have seared it in my soul.

Your dreams for me will come true,
This I promise you,
For you spent your life giving them shape,
I will struggle to give them the soul they crave.

- Seeya



  1. Aww love :)
    Lovely tribute to him
    Surely your dreams will come true .

    @dixita011 from
    Cafenined words

  2. Aww love :)
    Lovely tribute to him
    Surely your dreams will come true .

    @dixita011 from
    Cafenined words

  3. Very nice tribute to your pappa; I am so sorry he is not alive for you to share it with him.

